The Pole to Pole campaign is about the Ambassadors of the Poles, about penguins, about polar bears, about the Arctic and Antarctic in general and it is about us taking responsibility for the way we live. The leading zoos and aquaria of Europe, through the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA), have raised awareness and stimulated behaviour change for the conservation of the biodiversity around the world. The campaign ran from September 2013 to September 2015 and lots of zoos still continue spreading the word and organizing awareness activities.
Learn more about our campaign >>
Pull the Plug Progress
Together we save 338762 kilowatt-hours of electricity.
This equals:
- Co2 emissions of 250.906 pounds of coal burned
- Co2 emissions of 26.285 gallons of gasoline consumed
- Carbon sequestered by 191 acres of forest in one year
What we want to do
- Secure the participation of as many zoos and aquariums in as many countries as possible
- Affect positive behaviour change amongst: zoos, schools and zoo visitors
- Run as near a carbon-neutral campaign as possible
- Present a petition calling on world leaders to reduce CO2 emissions to below 350 ppm

What can you do
Helping is easy, all we ask is that you pledge to unplug one or more of your electronic devices when they are not in use. This means pulling out the plug once your mobile phone or tablet has finished charging, switching your TV or games console off at the wall rather than leaving it on standby. Together these small changes to our behaviour can have a big impact in minimising wasted electricity and help cut down the carbon emissions contributing to climate change. Don’t delay – pledge to pull the plug today!
There are numerous other ways in which you can help reducing carbon emissions, click here for inspiration!