Yesterday MEPs called for a 40% cut in CO2 emissions, a 30% target for renewable energy and a 40% target for energy efficiency by 2030, under the EU’s new long-term climate-change policy.
Parliament calls on the Commission and EU countries, in its resolution adopted on Wednesday by 341 votes to 263, with 26 abstentions, to set a 2030 EU target to reduce domestic greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% from 1990 levels. It also wants an energy efficiency target of 40%, in line with research on the cost-effective potential, and a commitment to producing at least 30% of total final energy consumption from renewable energy sources. These targets should be binding, MEPs say, and implemented through individual national targets, taking account of each member state’s situation and potential.

Solar panels (Photo: Fernando Tomás)
Despite the fact the resolution has been adopted we should certainly not wait until 2030 with reducing CO2 emissions. It’s time to act now! The Pole to Pole campaign calls on everyone to start pulling the plug today and to reduce energy consumption now. Take part in this endeavour and register your pledge to pull the plug here. It’s your planet: pull the plug!
Source: European Parliament News